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Stable Diffusion Hands: How to Make Perfect Hands With Stable Diffusion

Any artist using artificial intelligence (AI) tools to generate images will tell you that one thing they struggle with is the hands. No matter how impressive the overall image is, the hands always seem to be a little misshapen. For instance, it’s very common to generate AI images with some surplus fingers with oddly bent joints, or inexplicable hands that nobody knows they’re supposed to do.

This is why many artists who use AI art generators, like Stable Diffusion and features like Stable Diffusion SDXL, are always learning new techniques for designing photorealistic hands. This article teaches you how to make perfect hands with Stable Diffusion.

What Does Stable Diffusion Do?

Stable Diffusion is a deep-learning, latent diffusion program developed in 2022 by CompVis LMU in conjunction with Stability AI and Runway. A few months after its official release in August 2022, Stable Diffusion made its code and model weights public. 

Unlike other AI image generators like DALL-E and Midjourney (which are only accessible through cloud services), Stable Diffusion can be used on any consumer device as long as the device has a strong-enough GPU.

As a diffusion model, Stable Diffusion has proved to be more computationally efficient than the previous generative models. This is because it uses highly advanced algorithms that enable artists to generate photorealistic images from simple text prompts. Unlike generative models, which are extremely difficult and costly to train, diffusion models like Stable Diffusion simplify the image generation process by breaking it down into small, repeatable phases.

Also, generative models are known to experience mode collapse, which causes a generative network to continuously generate the same image. Furthermore, their overall approach, which depends solely on converting noise into high-resolution and usable data objects, is fundamentally flawed because it results in peculiarities and inaccuracies in the ultimate output. This doesn’t happen with diffusion models.

With a model like Stable Diffusion, the network is provided with an image and it’s expected to gradually increase Gaussian noise. Ideally, the network is supposed to create a Markov chain of timelines where the image moves from being on t=0 to being fully unrecognizable at t=T, which is the last step. Step T and the noising phase are normally determined in advance; perhaps a few hundred or thousand steps ahead.

Next, the Stable Diffusion algorithm undoes the entire process via noising. After adding noise, the algorithm then asks the network to recover the image. Fortunately, this process isn’t reversed directly from t=T to t=0, as it happens in generative models. Instead, the algorithm is taught to enhance the noisy image gradually by moving slowly from t to t-1.

As this is happening, the algorithm carefully studies the transitions and internalizes them. This way, the network can easily turn randomly chosen noises into cohesive and photorealistic images. Stable Diffusion and other diffusion models use an uncommon denoising method, which involves estimating all the available noise on each time step. It also gives an unconfirmed prediction of the whole image while adding some of the noise back to repeat this loop in the next time step.

This creates stability. Since this model predicts the final image repeatedly throughout the denoising process and from consecutively less-noisy points. It corrects itself over time and improves upon earlier predictions as it evolves. Therefore, you can always expect your current images to have more photorealistic hands than the previous ones.

Additional Tools to Generate High-Quality Hands

Although Stable Diffusion is designed to generate high-quality images, it may not have all the necessary features and capabilities to design every little detail. Even with the latest features and add-ons like Stable Diffusion Prompt Matrix, Stable Diffusion Checkpoint Merger, and Stable Diffusion SDXL, you still need additional capabilities to fine-tune your hands and make them more realistic.

This is why other AI art generation tool developers, like NightCafe, are developing Stable Diffusion support programs that will take your creativity and accuracy to the next level. With an AI image generation tool like NightCafe Creator, which allows you to create amazing images in a matter of seconds using simple text prompts; you can easily generate images with perfect hands.

You can take advantage of the available extensions like the A1111, which is the de-facto GUI for Stable Diffusion users. The vast community of Stable Diffusion developers frequently updates this graphical user interface (GUI) with progressive features to make it more effective in creating believable hands and other visible body parts. For instance, it allows you to combine two or three checkpoints that will give you perfect hands.

It also enables you to do proper sampling through its algorithm, which strikes a perfect balance between the quality of your images and the speed of generating them. This way, you can have nice-looking hands straightaway.

Create jaw-dropping art in seconds with AI

This is the most fun I've had on the internet in a long long time

u/DocJawbone on Reddit

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