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Stable Diffusion Samplers

Stable Diffusion is a text-to-image machine learning model developed by Stability AI. It is quickly gaining popularity with people looking to create great art by simply describing their ideas through words. The Stable Diffusion image generator is based on a type of diffusion model called Latent Diffusion. Stability AI also uses various sampling types when generating images.

Diffusion Models Explained

Diffusion models, in general, are machine learning algorithms trained to gradually remove undesirable noise from a resulting sample. Different prompts or descriptions must be separated by commas to allow the model to know the different parameters that help define your image.

To create an image, you must first have a clear idea of what you’re looking for. Stable Diffusion uses a term, phrase, or a group of words and phrases to build an ideal image. The more details you provide, the higher the likelihood you will get the desired outcome. The system uses trial and error to fine-tune your prompts. 

It can be beneficial to join online communities to get inspiration because many artists and enthusiasts share their methods. You can also dig for a list of awesome AI art prompts to try.

Working With Diffusion Models

One great benefit of diffusion models is how well they visualise data, but it has drawbacks. It can be difficult to train these models because it needs precise descriptions to work effectively. 

Prompts need to be repeated and sequenced to create an accurate picture. Additionally, these models can utilise a lot of computational resources, particularly when dealing with high-resolution images, so there may be instances when users encounter a CUDA out-of-memory error.

More About Sampling

Stability AI uses various sampling types when generating images. In general, samples allow for the development of finer details using a variational autoencoder (VAE), a type of artificial neural network that is used for unsupervised learning of complex distributions. VAE is a generative model that is trained to learn a compact, lower-dimensional representation (called the latent space) of data and to generate new data samples that are similar to the training data.

VAEs are used for a variety of tasks in artificial intelligence, including image generation, natural language processing, and representation learning. They are handy for tasks that involve large and complex datasets because they can learn to extract useful features and patterns from the data in an unsupervised manner.

Stability AI chose to produce images based on sampling types. Differences between samplers can be very subtle, but these parameters are highly configurable so that you can experiment with them. A lot will depend on your prompt, so feel free to try new things.

Advantages of Sampling Algorithms

Sampling algorithms let you explore parameters efficiently, enabling quicker convergence to the desired distribution. By reducing the variance of the samples, sampling algorithms can produce estimates of the target distribution that are more precise.

Sampling algorithms are also robust and can react quickly to changes in the distribution, which is helpful in circumstances where the distribution constantly evolves. 

Put simply, when computational resources are restricted, it is helpful to have sampling methods that are less memory intensive and relatively easy to implement.

Types of Samplers

Here are some commonly used diffusion samplers (also called equilibrium samplers):


The k-LMS Stable Diffusion method consists of a series of tiny, random steps that lead in the direction of the gradient of the distribution, starting from a point in the parameter space. The steps minimise sample variance by adjusting the step size based on the distribution's curvature. It results in quicker and more effective sampling toward the target distribution.


The DDIM Stable Diffusion method is an extension of the k-LMS Stable Diffusion algorithm and provides more precise sampling. It further decreases sample variance and enhances convergence to the desired distribution. This is accomplished by including more details on the distribution's curvature to the model. Unlike other algorithms, DDIM only takes eight steps to achieve incredible images.

k_euler_a and Heun

Similar to DDIM, the k_euler_a and Heun samplers are incredibly quick and produce excellent results with very few steps. However, it also significantly alters the generational style. If you find a good image in k_euler and Heun, move it into DDIM or the other way around until you find the perfect outcome.


The k_dpm_2_a sampler is considered by many to be superior to others, although it trades speed for quality. It involves a thirty- to eighty-step process, but the results are incredible. It's better suited for highly tuned prompts with minimal errors and is not the best sampler for experimentation.

Next Steps

If you are curious about AI-generated art and how you can bring your ideas to life with apps that use diffusion samples, visit NightCafe to create a free account today.

Create jaw-dropping art in seconds with AI

This is the most fun I've had on the internet in a long long time

u/DocJawbone on Reddit

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